A Book for You and Tea for Two
Are you a book lover? I've always enjoyed reading books - especially a really good novel that sucks you into the story and makes it hard to put down. There have been books that have made me laugh out loud, ugly cry, and feel so connected to the characters that I wish the story would never end. It's truly amazing the power that words can have - they can stir up deep emotions and drop us into a situation or time period, making us feel as though we're experiencing it right alongside the characters. I LOVE a good book. One year, I got the latest book in a series I had been reading and I read the whole thing in one day! I was sucked in and there was nothing else more important than that story (oh to be young and without responsibilities!). It wasn't until my adult years that I began to appreciate non-fiction books. I've read books about pregnancy, parenting, gardening, homeschooling... all things that are important in my life. Inspired by what I read, thes...