Easy Morning Oatmeal

For the longest time, it felt like mornings were just an absolute mess. First of all, I'm not a morning person. Mama needs a minute or two (or 30!) before I'm ready to have conversations and get moving. Tell that to my five year old! I know the Lord has given me that boy to help me grow in patience and kindness. Thank you, Father. He comes out ready to tell me ALL THE THINGS and I'm slowly learning to respond to him with graciousness and cherish that part of him, rather than shushing him. We all have areas that need growth, am I right?

Recently, I've suddenly managed to get into a decent routine of getting up 30 minutes before my boys. Game changer! I've heard people say it for years, but it's taken me this long to finally figure it out. It helps (BIG TIME) that all 3 kids mostly sleep through the night and the older two know they need to stay in their room until 8:00. So, Mama gets up and makes the coffee, reads a little, and checks instagram before my munchkins make their way out to join me. Having those first moments of my day to myself, setting a happy mindset, and sipping my coffee has been so, so good. It's a new season for me, and I'm thankful for it.

Mamas, if you're in the midst of the up-all-night struggle, waking to the sounds of kids crying for you, stumbling out of bed and pouring cold cereal season, hang in there. Every season has beauty in the midst of the mess. Look for the beauty in your current season and let it carry you through your day. Take delight in the little moments and be grateful. Sending hugs to you!

Our mornings these days involve some pre-breakfast play time while Mommy finishes her *first* cup of coffee. Then, it's off to the kitchen to make the food! During the colder months, one of my quick go-to breakfasts is oatmeal. I never had oatmeal growing up, but I've developed a love for it in my "old age" and my boys like it, too. It's incredibly simple to make, budget friendly, and can be customized to suit your tastes!

Easy Morning Oatmeal

*makes enough for two large portions

2 cups water
1 cup rolled oats
Toppings of your choice:
       raisins, dried cranberries, chopped dates, slivered almonds, chopped walnuts, peanut butter, almond butter, maple syrup, brown sugar, hemp hearts, flax seeds, chia seeds, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice, fresh berries, banana, fruit preserves

Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add the rolled oats.

Reduce heat to medium-low and allow the mixture to simmer, stirring occasionally.

Simmer for 8ish minutes, then take off the heat.

Dish up your oatmeal and add whatever toppings you desire. I always add a splash of milk to each bowl, as well.

May your mornings be filled with precious moments and peaceful vibes! 


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