Peach Sangria Cocktail

 What could be better on a hot day than a peach slushy?  I'll tell you.  A peach slushy with sweet wine and peach schnapps.  OH YEAH!  My sister and I made this drink as an attempt to cope with the nearly 90 degree weather we had a couple of weeks ago.  Let me tell you, folks, 90 degrees is beyond hot for us Western Washingtonians.  We're more mid-70s kinda people.  Because we're not used to those high temperatures, very few homes have built in air-conditioning.  When it gets hot, people flock to the stores and buy every fan and AC unit in sight.  I have friends who pulled their mattress into their living room and slept in front of the AC unit in order to beat the heat.  The struggle is real.  Thankfully, our house stays relatively cool, but I'm extremely grateful for the ceiling fan in our bedroom.  It makes sleeping much more comfortable!

If you're trying to escape the heat and stay cool, I highly suggest you make this cocktail.  It's sweet, fruity, and ice cold.  Cheers!!

Peach Sangria Cocktail
      *makes about 4 servings

1 can peach nectar (this can usually be found in your grocery store's ethnic foods aisle)
1 cup moscato
1/2 ripe peach, sliced
2-4 shots peach schnapps (adjust to your taste)

Add all ingredients to a blender.  Depending on how "slushie-esque" you want the drink to be, add ice to your desired preference.  We only added a little ice at first and then decided we wanted more.  Next time I try this drink, I'm going to pour the peach nectar into an ice tray and freeze.  Then use those as my "ice cubes".  I think it'll make the drink even more peachy flavored!  If any of you try it this way, let me know how it goes.  I'd love to hear what you think.


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