Coconut French Toast

Want to know a good way to start your day?  Dressed in your comfiest pajamas, cup of coffee in your favorite mug, relaxing music filling the air, and this... Coconut French Toast.  It's warm, sweet, tropical, caramel-y, light in texture... it's good. 

And you know what else is good?  Eating it with people you love.  Your husband, your wife, your kids, your parents, your friends, your neighbor.  If you love 'em, invite 'em over and serve this dish.  It's easy to make and can be kept warm in a 300 degree oven until you're ready to eat. 

Coconut French Toast

     *serves 4 people

4 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
2 T. brown sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
Pinch of ground nutmeg
Pinch of salt
8 slices of quality bread - thick slices preferable (this allows your bread to soak up more of the egg mixture, get crisp on the outside, but remain soft inside)
Sweetened shredded coconut
Maple syrup
Mixed berries or bananas
Butter for the skillet

1. Mix the first six ingredients in a shallow dish and whisk until well blended.
2. Melt the butter in a skillet on medium heat.  Soak your bread slices in the egg mixture and allow any excess to drip off.  Add slices to the skillet.  While the first side cooks, sprinkle shredded coconut onto the side facing up.  Gently pat it so that the coconut sticks to the bread.
3. When the bottom has turned golden brown, flip each slice over.  Cook for about 2 minutes more.
4. Transfer the slices to a baking sheet in a 300 degree oven to keep warm until you're ready to serve. 
5. Continue cooking the bread in batches.  (You may need to add more butter to the pan in between each batch.  Just enough to make sure your bread doesn't burn.)
6. When you're ready to serve, top the toasts with syrup, berries, or bananas.  Whatever you wish - in my case, all of the above! 


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