Coconut Bread

Time to dust off the laptop and clean out the cobwebs in this ol' blog o' mine.  It's been a while....   Remember me?  The writer, chef, and photographer for this little space.  I promise I've still been cooking - it's just that in the time that I've been away I've gone and had another baby.  And well, that takes up a lot of time...and energy....and leaves very little left for taking pictures of food and chatting about it on the internet.  It's more like, QUICK make the food while the baby sleeps!  QUICK eat a bite before the toddler says "mom" for the 5 millionth time!  QUICK move your fork to your mouth without spilling any food on the nursing baby's head!

So, you see, the food blogging has had to be put on hold.  But I'm back!  And I've got a great little recipe for you today.  This recipe comes courtesy of the Smitten Kitchen -- oh how I adore her food photography!  Everything always looks so DELICIOUS!  Food blog goals, for sure.

Mixing up the batter for coconut bread is super easy.  It does take over an hour in the oven to bake, so take that into consideration when you decide to make it.  But the reward is heavenly, I promise.  As the bread bakes you'll have the aroma of buttery, coconut sweetness wafting through your house.  And by the time you take the bread out of the oven you'll have to resist the urge to cut a slice for 5 long minutes....and that's as long as you'll be able to wait because I tell you, it's that good.  Spread a little butter on top and glory, sweet glory!  Bellissimo!!

Here's the link to the original post:

I'll post the recipe below, too. Enjoy!

Coconut Bread

2 eggs
1 1/4 cups milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup sugar
7 oz sweetened flaked coconut
6 T butter, melted (the recipe calls for unsalted, but I only had salted....use whichever you prefer)
Cooking spray for the pan (I use stoneware, so I didn't need any)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Combine the eggs, milk, and vanilla and set aside.  In a mixing bowl, add the flour, salt, baking powder, cinnamon, sugar, and coconut.  Stir together.  Pour in the wet ingredients and stir until just combined.  Add the melted butter.  Stir until smooth and stop.  You don't want to overwork the batter or your bread will be tough.

Coat a 9x5 inch loaf pan with cooking spray.  Pour the batter into the pan and bake until golden brown on top.  Use the "toothpick test" to make sure that the center is cooked through.  The recipe suggests that it'll take anywhere from 1 to 1 1/4 hours to cook.  I think ours was on the longer end of that range.

Allow the bread to cool in the pan for 5 minutes and then transfer it to a cooling rack - or, as was in our case, slice a piece and eat that yummy goodness right then and there.


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