
A Caprese Salad is a really easy dish to make.  Perfect for a potluck, dinner party, or your own table.  There are 4 ingredients: tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, and balsamic vinegar.

Choose the best that you can find.  Heirloom would be best, but regular vine ripened tomatoes work well, too.  I used both red and yellow tomatoes to add a bit more color.  Also, grape or cherry tomatoes are ideal when making Caprese skewers.

This summer, I'm hoping to grow basil again so that I can pick it right from my own garden.  Basil is such a fragrant herb...I adore the smell!  But be careful, if you buy it in the store it will probably wilt quickly.  So plan to use it right away.  I have not discovered how to keep store bought basil fresh yet.  If anyone has any tips, I'd really appreciate them! :)

I bought a block of cheese and cut thin slices for my salad.  You could also use mozzarella balls that come in their liquid.  Whatever you can find.

Balsamic Vinegar
Choose a good quality balsamic.  In order to get a sweet, rich flavor I used a 1/2 cup of balsamic and added it to a small sauce pan.  On low, heat the balsamic and let it simmer until it's reduced (by half) to a thick, syrupy sauce.  Take it off the heat, allow it to cool slightly, then drizzle it over your salad. 

Salad Arrangement
This can be done several ways... layer it (like I did) in a pretty pattern, use skewers, or chop it all up and mix it in a bowl.  Whatever way you choose to present it, the flavor will be amazing regardless.


A perfect summer salad.  Or, if you're like me, a perfect it's-winter-but-I'm-dreaming-of-sunshine salad.  C'mon Punxsutawney Phil...don't let me down!


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