Sweet Potato Recipe

Per request, here is the recipe for my uber scrumptious Sweet Potato Casserole.  

Disclaimer:  contains lots o' butter.... really.

4-5 good sized sweet potatoes
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 cup flour
1 cup rolled oats
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1/4 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup butter (at room temperature)

1. Place the whole sweet potatoes on a baking pan and roast at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes (or until they are fork tender).  Take them out and let them cool until you can comfortably handle them.  Cut the potatoes in half and scrape the flesh into a mixing bowl.

2. Add the sugar, milk, eggs, vanilla, and salt to the sweet potatoes.  Mash until ingredients are incorporated, but be sure to leave some chunks of potato here and there.  It's good that way.... :)

3. Transfer the mixture to an 8x12 baking dish.

4. For your topping, mix together the brown sugar, flour, oats, and spices. Using your hands, incorporate the butter into the dry ingredients.  You should have a cookie-dough-like consistency.  Crumble the topping over the sweet potatoes evenly.  If you so choose, this would also be the time when you would sprinkle the pecans over the top. 

5. Bake at 400 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown.

Enjoy this deliciousness!!


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