Cozy Autumn Nights

   Summers in the Pacific Northwest are what we long for.  Eight long months of drizzle and grey are rewarded with perfectly warm, sunny days.  Not the kind of warm that makes you sweat profusely, but the kind that spurs a desire to lay on a blanket in your yard and take a nap in the sun.  Summers here are what make the rainy days bearable.

   Autumn, now that's another kind of wonderful.  Autumn is a time when the air is crisp and the raindrops begin to renew their yearly routine.  But sometimes, when you least expect it, the clouds give way to streams of sunlight.  In a moment, the dark skies become bright with warmth and the changing colors of the leaves are intensified.  These Autumn days are perfect.

  Apple cider is the quintessential Autumn drink.  It's cozy, comforting, and makes a lovely nightcap.  This recipe was given to me by my favorite college professor.  She would make it for us during night classes and we would sip on it while she taught us about French cooking techniques or Middle Eastern spices.  

   Make a pot for your next get together.  You won't regret it.

Homemade Apple Cider

3 cans apple juice concentrate + water
2 "Constant Comment" tea bags (or any citrus spiced black tea)
7 whole cloves
3 whole cinnamon sticks
1/4 cup lemon juice concentrate (or fresh squeezed)
1/2 cup sugar
Additional 2-3 cups of water

1. Combine all ingredients in a big pot and bring it to a simmer.  Allow the cider to simmer for at least 30 minutes (the longer it simmers, the better).  Turn the heat down a bit before serving.

If it's too strong: add more water
If it's too weak: add more lemon and sugar
If it's too sweet: add more lemon
If it's too tart: add more sugar


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