Kale & Broccoli Salad

As I write this post, I'm sitting at my dining table, windows open, sunshine pouring in and munching on the last of this tasty salad.  The perfect spring salad - packed full of good for you ingredients.  I chose to serve a generous helping of it with our grilled steak and homemade oven fries.  Mmmmm... good stuff.

What was once only used for a garnish has recently gained popularity and for good reason.  Kale is great raw or cooked.  I love to add it to pasta, soups, salads, or baking in the oven to make kale chips.  So yummy!  Some people are afraid of this leafy, dark green vegetable... but that's just silly.  Try it in this salad and your fears will be washed away as you realize that you actually like this nutrient-rich veggie.

Kale & Broccoli Salad

4-5 cups of Lacinato kale, chopped into small pieces (trim off the ends - the larger part of the stem)
1 head of broccoli, roughly chopped into small pieces
1 green apple, diced
1/4 cup dried currants (raisins would also work well)
2 T. sunflower seeds
1 T. flax seeds

I drizzled Annie's Organic "Green Garlic" dressing because I had it in the fridge.  However, to make your own, combine the following:
Juice of 1 lemon
3-4 T. extra-virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, mashed
A dash of salt and pepper
A dash of red pepper flake

1. Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl.
2. Whisk the dressing ingredients together until well mixed.  Pour the dressing over the salad and toss.
3.  Put the salad in the refrigerator for about an hour.  Serve cold.


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