Blueberry Muffins and Sleepy Babies

     The other day, as I was babysitting my little friend, Flynn, I decided to make some blueberry muffins.  Though I typically like to buy vegetables and fruits when they're in season (and blueberries are definitely not in season right now), I had purchased some fresh blueberries on a whim.  They needed to be used, so my solution... blueberry muffins!  Once again, my hubby's coworkers would have a yummy treat to start their work day.  

     After giving Flynn a few new tupperware items to keep him preoccupied, I set out baking.  I chose a recipe from the "Joy of Cooking" as I knew it would be foolproof.  The muffins turned out delicious!!  While the recipe said it would yield 12 muffins, I got 14 out of it - perfect for Perry and I to each try one and for the rest to be taken to work with him.  

I love it when things work out like that! :)

Here's the recipe:

"Whisk together thoroughly in a large bowl:
2 cups all purpose-flour (I used 1 cup whole wheat and 1 cup unbleached)
1 T baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
(1/4 tsp grated or ground nutmeg)
Whisk together in another bowl:
2 large eggs
1 cup milk or cream (I used whole milk)
2/3 cup sugar or packed light brown sugar (I used evaporated cane juice)
1/4 to 1/2 cup (1/2 to 1 stick) butter, melted, or 1/4 to 1/2 cup vegetable oil (I used 1/2 cup butter)
1 tsp vanilla

Add to the flour mixture and mix together with a few light strokes just until the dry ingredients are moistened.  Do not overmix; the batter should not be smooth.  Divide the batter among the muffin cups.
Place in a 400 degree oven.  Bake until a toothpick inserted in 1 or 2 of the muffins comes out clean, about 17 minutes (or longer for variations with fruit).  Let cool for 2 to 3 minutes before removing from the pan.  If not serving hot, let cool on a rack."

For the blueberry portion:
Prepare the muffin recipe "using 1/3 cup sugar and folding into the batter 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen blueberries.  Before baking, sprinkle with cinnamon sugar".

Regarding the amount of butter that should be used:
"The flexible amount of butter or oil allows control of the richness with the following advice: Muffins made to be eaten warm from the oven are perfectly delicious with 1/4 cup butter or oil.  If muffins must be made hours before they will be consumed, or even the day before, you are wise to use 1/2 cup butter or oil."

     Isn't that helpful?  I love this cookbook!!  There are literally thousands of recipes and so much general kitchen "knowledge".  If you want to learn how to cook, I highly recommend this book!  Here's a link to the book on Amazon in case you want to buy it right now.

     One thing I'll mention about my experience making these muffins...
Because of the melted butter and the juice from the blueberries, I found that my muffins sizzled over a bit and therefore made my house a wee bit smoky.  Nothing a few open windows couldn't fix. :)  But just be prepared!  You have a couple of options: don't fill the muffins as full as I did or place a foil lined baking sheet underneath your muffin pan.

     Make these Sunday night and bring them into work with you Monday morning.  Everyone will love you, I'm sure of it!!  I mean, who doesn't love a blueberry muffin?  

Totally ready for a nap! 


  1. Katie, I love your apron! Where and who did you get that from?! Aso, I can't wait to try and make these!

    1. Funny you should ask...I got that apron from my beautiful, wonderful, amazing sister! Isn't she great? ;)
      Make 'em! Do it! Do it!


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