morning thoughts and cravings

Yesterday we had snow flurries.  This morning we are graced by the beauty of a bright, blue January sky.  Not a cloud in sight, just perfect, vibrant blue.  As much as I am eager for a true snowfall, I am taking in every bit of this gorgeous day... after all, sun is hard to come by this time of year in Washington.  

These kind of mornings are my favorite.  Sunshine.  Coffee.  A cozy house.  Adele + John Mayer.  Absolutely lovely.
I've got sourdough bread rising for our Sabbath dinner this evening.
My grocery list is made.
Later, I'm planning to make these whole wheat apple muffins for a little "breakfast for dinner" potluck tomorrow night.
Tonight for dinner?  Tilapia and roasted potatoes (Greek-style).  What's "Greek" about it, you ask?  Well...I'm going to roast some kalamata olives, tomatoes, and asparagus along with the potatoes.  So, I'm calling it Greek-style.  Because I CAN. :)

Next week, I'm going to make a butternut squash recipe - I think, perhaps, a soup.  We'll see.  Stay tuned and you'll find out!  Happy weekend everyone!! 


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