Cooking lately

Please don't mistake my lack of blogging for a lack of cooking.  That would be far from the truth.  In fact, I've been cooking a lot - I mean, we DID just have Thanksgiving!  I contributed three dishes to our holiday this year.... and let me just say, they were so so so good.  We also hosted 15 people the Saturday before Thanksgiving and I made an enormous pot of chili.  Someday I'll have to share my go-to chili recipes...  But today is all about the first of my Thanksgiving dishes!

Jello Pretzel Salad.  Crunchy.  Creamy.  Fruity.  Delicious-y.  This is a tradition in my family - every holiday, every get together, you can be sure that this dessert will be on the menu.  I used to say that I wanted Jello Pretzel Salad instead of wedding cake on my big day.  That didn't happen... but it still is one of my favorites!

The 1st layer is made with pretzels, a bit of powdered sugar, and butter.  Mix it, bake it, cool it.  
It's yummy......

The 2nd layer consists of cream cheese, whipped topping, more powdered sugar, and an egg.  Let it chill, dude.
And P.S. - be sure to lick the spoon when you're done.

For the final layer, dissolve 2 small packages of raspberry jello and carefully (much more carefully than I did) pour it over the cooled creamy layer.  Then sprinkle some raspberries over the top.  Refrigerate this pan of wonder overnight and try to refrain from sneaking a taste.
* Unlike my Nana, I have not mastered the art of the raspberry layer.  
When I grow up I want to be like her...  
She's an expert JPS maker.  

Make this for your next holiday, birthday, dinner party, Tuesday night - any occasion, really.  Next up... Sweet Potato Casserole.  Be prepared!  There's a lot of butter!


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